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About Psilohuasca

Psilohuasca retreat at Ancient Mother
ancient mother hosts ayahuasca and philohuasca retreats

Psilohuasca consists of MAO inhibitor and truffles.
The effects of Psilohuasca are similar to those of Ayahuasca. Since the molecular structure of DMT and Psilocybin is extremely close, the effect of Psilohuasca are very similar to those of Ayahuasca
A Psilohuasca journey also provides insights that can help you become who you really are.
Just like with Ayahuasca we first take the MAO inhibitor and after 15 minutes we drink the ‘Magic Truffle’ tea.
After you have taken the tea, it will take about 20 minutes for you to start feeling sensations in your body and then slowly roll into your journey.
After an hour we zoom in and it is possible to drink some more tea. Tolerance can vary from person to person.
In total, this journey will also take about 6 hours and you will experience a feeling of timelessness.

Terminology explained

When drinking plant medicine tea in a spiritual surrounding it is called a Ceremony the time you spend under the influence of Psilohuasca is called a Journey.
A more experienced person which is called a Guide who provides both physical and spiritual assistance during the ceremony.


Every Psilohuasca journey is unique, some are blissful, some are difficult and some are a combination of the two – but they all leave a mark.
Before every journey it is beneficial to think of your Intentions, are there specific issues you want to deal with, traumas you want to heal or questions you want answered.

And furthermore, Ayahuasca or Psilohuasca journeys are usually intense. It may be difficult, it may stretch you to the end of your abilities but it will always be enough for you to handle.

People who have gone through plant medicine ceremonies report that after the ceremony they feel more connected to themselves, the people around them and the universe. The effects of the ceremony can be felt for a long period of time after it’s done and for many people, an Ayahuasca or Psilohuasca ceremony is a life changing experience.

When should I join an Psilohuasca retreat?

If you’re reading these words, you’re definitely interested in an Psilohuasca retreat.
There is no preferred time or state of mind to join one. Many people report that they book an Psilohuasca retreat when they feel Psilohuasca calling them. When they start hearing the word Psilohuasca again and again in their surroundings or when it resonates more and more every time they think about it.

There is no one correct answer to the question when to join a retreat, if you’re ready to take the plunge for the first time or if you’ve already experienced the healing powers of Psilohuasca and feel that it’s time to take another step forward – you will know it’s the right time.

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