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About Huachuma (San Pedro)

san pedro huachuma cactus

Where ayahuasca is experienced as a strong feminine energy from a mother, San Pedro has the masculine energy of a gentle grandfather. Although San Pedro and Ayahuasca differ in their effects and healing methods, they complement each other perfectly during a multi-day retreat. 

Ayahuasca gives you deep and beautiful insights into yourself, your challenges and problems and shows you what you could change. 

San Pedro (Huachuma) opens your heart to love and peace with everyone and everything around you and empowers you to make the change you have seen with Ayahuasca. 

Huachuma is a little softer, more positive, more loving and more deeply transformative when combined with Ayahuasca. If you want to hold on to the state of bliss that you get from your Ayahuasca experience for longer, if you want to further shape it and fully integrate it into your daily reality, then San Pedro is the perfect complement for this. 

San Pedro is used for the healing of mental, physical, mental, spiritual and emotional ailments. Through the wisdom of this sacred medicine, you will find peace and tranquility and feel one with creation again.

The Huachuma or San Pedro cactus

The Huachuma or San Pedro cactus originates from South America. It is considered one of the greatest plant teachers in shamanic traditions and is used to restore psychological, physical, emotional and spiritual balance. 

It helps to awaken, to heal and to learn to see what gets in your way. In the right setting, taken in a respectful manner and with the right intention, Huachuma puts you in a state of consciousness where you can experience a deeper connection with yourself, your body and your own divine nature for several hours. 

Huachuma is a plant with special healing powers. It gives you a solid physical grounding, which gives a new dimension to being in the here and now.


What are the effects and what can you expect?

In addition to a profound, purifying and healing effect, this plant medicine also provides a

deepening experience on different energetic layers, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

You enter a light daze, in which the plant medicine in you touches exactly those places and feelings

highlights, which need the most attention at that moment. Ego thinking is temporarily put on the back burner and that creates room for a deeper connection. The active substance is mescaline, a psychedelic alkaloid also found in Peyote (another psychedelic cactus from North America)

The psychoactive effect is basically less visual than with Ayahuasca and the physical effects are also milder than with Ayahuasca. Nausea can sometimes occur but is often not intense and short-lived. 

Most people experience different phases during a San Pedro ceremony. 

In the first phase, the drug kicks in and you get mild visual distortions combined with revelations. Everything you look at list meekly and meaningfully. You feel very connected to nature and everything that lives in it. The fact that you are alive and very aware of it suddenly feels like a huge privilege and makes you super happy. A childlike awe for the surrounding world arises and you experience a more cosmic sense of awe, because you as a human being are part of it. 

If you want to see what’s underneath your ego, take a good look in the mirror during your experience. This one will really throw the doors to your heart wide open. You can think constructively and change perceptions into lessons that are learned at a deep level, so that they are no longer forgotten. 

A ceremony can also take just 12 hours, depending on the number of times you drink (usually 2x).

A Huachuma ceremony gives the opportunity to connect deeply with yourself and the divine through a soft way. You are usually not taken against your will to states of consciousness where you do not want to be. 

The plant asks for surrender. You are stripped of who you think you are, layer by layer, until you reach your real core. You gain insights that lead to a different view of life and your own world. Participants indicate that they feel inspired, experience more creativity, and that their hearts are open again. 

All kinds of mental complaints, chronic pains and addictions can also disappear. Medical research on Huachuma has shown that it can lower high blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease, have anti-inflammatory properties, and treat hypertension, anxiety, and nervous disorders.

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